AMIT 2.0 continues the NAMEDROPPING project with THE TOP NOTCH

Graffiti artist AMIT 2.0 continues his NAMEDROPPING project with another nice style exchange. This time with Graffiti artist TOP NOTCH from Essen, Germay. He and AMIT 2.0 designed a wall in connection with the Bürgerpark Gallery. Surrounded by detached houses and dwarfs another production of the name dropping project developed.

After the Interviews from the previous rounds here is another one to discuss the exchange a bit more in depth: 

Why did you choose “The Top Notch” for this project?

Amit 2.0: I have known The Top Notch for many years and every meeting with him made me feel that he is a pleasant and very talented person. That is why it was about time to work together with him on a wall. And fortunately the distance between Essen and Osnabrück is shorter than between Essen and Hamburg. So the motto was: if not now when then and so we could finally translate our plan into action  after a few problems finding a date.

Since when have you known Amit´s pieces?

The Top Notch: For many, maybe even 20 years. I have always gone through the world of graffiti with my eyes wide open and have ´inhaled´ each and every known magazine and have obviously come across one or the other of Amit´s pieces.

Amit 2.0: Thanks for the hint. That is how long we have been doing this! And yes, your work has also caught my interest for a long time.

What do you think of the name dropping project?

The Top Notch: It is really cool, of course. Otherwise I wouldn´t participate. Writing someone else´s name is always exciting. Showing in this project how many possibilities there are to combine four letters is extremely fascinating. I just can´t understand why I haven’t had the idea of the namedropping project 😉

Are you the only writer following this concept?

Amit 2.0: I think there is a long tradition of swapping names or simply writing other words in our culture of writing letters. I am sure that I am not the first and only artist doing this. But I don´t think there is anyone else doing this as a project on a permanent basis. I have been doing it for almost five years. In that time writing my own name was the exception. Maybe one day I will decide only to drop my own name again and then I might give the project into Top Notch`s trustful hands.

How have you prepared yourself for today?

The Top Notch: First a good breakfast, then enough paint to burn Amit´s name and of course I have made a few sketches how to write the name.

Is it easy to write this different combination of letters?

The Top Notch: Yes, very, I had thought about taking over the name but Amit didn´t agree to this….

Amit 2.0: And you have done really well! I also managed the letters `DFENS` quite easily. It was a little challenge getting the `E` into the gap by the window, but I am happy with the result.

How did you feel while you were painting?

The Top Notch: One or the other beer, sunshine and Amit , who was in a good mood- that makes a good day.

Amit 2.0: Yes, but I must admit that I had read a book with jokes by Rookie beforehand.

What does `Fritz Kings`mean in the middle of your wall?

Amit 2.0: Both our sons are called Fritz. And somehow kingfritz appeared. It is obvious that homage had to be paid to the two little kings in their fathers´ work.

What do you think when you see the complete wall and your name written by someone else?

The Top Notch: One should be sure to repeat this kind of project.

Anything to ad?

The Top Notch: Thanks for a wonderful day.

Thanks! Check out the photos of the exchange and few additional pieces below!


AMIT 2.0




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