Street Art – The New Generation Kunsthallen Brandts Odense

OMANIMI Finland presents “Street Art – The New Generation Kunsthallen Brandts Odense” mainly filmed in Denmark & edited by Henry Lämsä. Read more about the film and the project after the jump!

Artwork by: Miss Take (Denmark) is known for her large- format portraits on house fronts and ends. She is going to make a piece in the Brandts area. Otto Maja (NIMI) (Finland) is also a wall artist and will contribute with a 12 metre long piece. The theme will be kept secret until the opening. Mentalgassi (Germany) is known for painting on bar fences, which adds a dynamic dimension to his pieces. OEPS Crew (Denmark) will exhibit a 14 metre long train which will cover an entire wall. The train is made of beads. Slinkachu (England) will show photographs depicting small cartoon characters staged in different environments. Space Invaders (France) will put up a piece which is an example of their own genre called “RubikCubism”. Tejn (Denmark) is known for his small sculptures made of iron which he chains to objects like bike racks and fences. Toasters (England) make modernist pieces in bright colours. They will decorate the foyer from 20 to 22 August. Other participants: Bujahuli (NIMI) (Finland), Murkunst:M.Wisniewski (Dr.D) & Rolf M. (MESTER88) (Denmark) who will put up a piece in the stair hall and on the first floor. And three street artists from Odense – STORM, RexOne og KOOLBANDI – are going to decorate a number of containers sponsored by Odense Waste Management Company.


Loscil – Container Ships
Reso – Aegis
Brogan Bentley – Ask When I’m Night
Yume – 2GETHR




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