“…i have been struggeling with a fair bit of bad Copenhagen summer weather the last couple of weeks so now that i had to stay in door for most parts of the day i went on with painting some of these old NYC plastic trains that had been laying in my studio for some time. The plastic train allways have some silicone coating that can make some smaller problems in terms of getting the marker paint to stay on, so i always spray it with the MOLOTOW™ PREMIUM Signalwhite spraycan at first so the marker paint have something to “grap” on to and another bonus is that the colors cover even better. Was studying some of my old bibles to get as authentic a old look to the train as possible and i found that the Burgundy red ONE4ALL™ was pretty close to the color of the old red birds in New york. I hope that since the sun is not in copenhagen, its somewhere else and you all are having a great summer.” (Soten)
find photos of this model trainpainting session after the jump!