Soten in Ireland

Our friend Soten from Copenhagen went to Ireland last week, read the travel report and see the photos of his trip to Belfast and Dublin after the jump!

After alot of work and stress in Copenhagen, I decided to go on a little holiday to Ireland and Northern Ireland for Easter 2010.
In Dublin, I attended the big All City Jam organised by the All City shop. Lots of international writers, such as Smash137, Scotty, Shoe, Motel7, Zebster and Rime attended. The Tivoli parking lot was filled with kids asking for blackbook autographs while I painted on a big collabo wall with Rask, Tiws, Dris and Skank. Unfortunately we were forced to stop due to the trademark irish rain, but we finished the following day and then headed for Belfast, Northern Ireland. The huge Berlin-wall like walls they have there are called Peacelines and we were going to paint one, right on the border between and protestant and catholic neighborhoods. We arrived at night after picking up some black rollerpaint and started working on a concept by Smash137 were we kept half the wall in its original concrete state and rolled the other half black. The wall is gigantic and is filled with little scribbles by visiting tourists wishing peace on the area, so we wanted to keep some of them and not buff the entire wall with black. Next morning it was time to do the pieces, we did them with both black and yellow outline, not something I would normally do, but an interesting experiment. We even got time to do some quick chrome pieces further down the wall as a bonus before it got dark. Next morning we left rainy Belfast and headed back south for Drogheda, famous for it annual Bridge Jam in August. After arriving in Drogheda we had enough time and cans to do a little wall before it was time to find a hotel and some well deserved food and rest. The following morning its was time to fly out and the holiday was over. Peace and respect to Rask for organising everything, to All City for a nice jam, all the nice people we met on the way and to Molotow for hooking up the paint!




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