By engineering the first genuine graffiti- and street-art spray-paint MOLOTOW™ supports urban art as well as the artists and their creativity by providing them with a reliable tool and colors that preserved their work for eternity. Over the years many internationally renowned artists contributed with their experience to the evolution of MOLOTOW™ PREMIUM. To honor these creative contributors MOLOTOW™ drafted the „artist color“ range to dedicate their favorite color to them. Because exceptional artists deserve exceptional colors! In 2016 we proudly welcome more artists and friends to our MOLOTOW PREMIUM Artist Colors Range. Our latest dedication is the color LIGHT ORANGE. We decided to honor the work of graffiti artist SLIDER of the BANDITS Crew, not just because he is supporting MOLOTOW since day one, but also because he is a good friend of the MOLOTOW family. SLIDER painted the MOLOTOW Train twice, we did numerous projects together in the past years and we will do so in the near future. For that reason we made a short interview with the artist from Dresden, while he was painting a LIGHT ORANGE wall in his typical style. The SLIDER LIGHT ORANGE is available now! Watch out for more new Artist Colors to come this year!

Hello, for those who haven´t heard of you before, please introduce yourself!

My Name is SLIDER, I´m into Graffiti since 1994, focused on classic Stylewriting and Concept-Painting. I represent the Crews BANDITS, BURNING SAXONY, DYNAMICS and MACIA.

Where are you based?

I´m based in DRESDEN, a City located in the East of Germany, a 2 hours drive down south Berlin.

As basic as it sounds, what does graffiti mean to you and what motivates you painting graffiti for such a long time?

Well, graffiti is my passion and my addiction, when I started in the 90s, i never had an idea of how to reach this Level of professionality and success. I would not call myself the crazy talented guy, I´m a Worker, always trying to push my Skills Year by Year more and more keep staying focused on what I´m doing. I invest Blood, Sweat and Tears into Graffiti for over two decades, but it still feels like there is some Level not reached yet. Compared to many other Artists I look up to. My major motivation is to become better and better, develop my style more and more.

When you experienced MOLOTOW for the very first time?Do you remember?

As far as I remember, I had my hands on the first MOLOTOW PREMIUM Cans right after they has been released in the late 90s. The Release of the MOLOTOW PREMIUM was like a revolution in the Spraypaint Technology. There was no color, no Can, no Brand with such a high Level offered, in terms of Color-Range, Handling, Coverage and the Quality.

What you like the most on MOLOTOW products and why?

It´s really feel familiar using MOLOTOW product, I´m just used to it. For my taste the product range delivers a complete package. The perfect combination of quality, handling, color range, long time resistance, especially for my professional
job painting commercials. Also the possibility to work with differrent tools, putting together multiple technics, like using the MOLOTOW PREMIUM and ONE4ALL Markers or the new ONE4ALL Acrylic Paint. No Brand got that high level selection of professional tools. MOLOTOW has been always trendsetting for the whole industry since day one. Beeing part of such a brand with an own Color dedication is something like a dream coming true now. I am very proud and thankful for that.

As you mentioned, we recently dedicated a color to you and your work through the years. You choosed the Light Orange, why?

It was a pretty hard decision to select a color. It was important to me naming a really outstanding color, a color doesn´t look like other Colors from the MOLOTOW PREMIUM range. I think, the Light Orange is a very extra-ordinary color, and of course I love that color. Its not a Yellow, its not an pure Orange, its something in between.

SLIDER on Facebook | SLIDER on Instagram | SLIDER on MOLOTOW.COM




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