ROMEO & MEGA – ‘Suske & Wiske’ wall

Dutch duo Romeo & Mega recently painted a themewall of the comic ‘Suske & Wiske’. Have a look at the footage after the jump!

In the Netherlands and some other countries the comic is called Suske & Wiske, but in other countries it’s also known as: Bob & Bobette / Finn & Fiffi / Willy & Wanda and a couple of other names. During our childhood we did read a lot of these comics and we wanted to pay tribute to it. Of course with a little twist to it, as we usually do when painting these kind of concept walls. The wall is painted in the characteristic style of the cover of the albums; with warm red background (done with roller paint) and the title in the same letter style as the comic to give it the exact feeling as if looking at an original album cover. We gave it the title ‘de baldadige broeders’ (which can be translated as’ the nasty brothers’). All the main characters of the comic can be found on the wall and also a Dns piece to make it more ‘streetwise’. The background was improvised on the spot by looking through various albums we brought with us. Because of the size of the wall the very small details where added with a black Molotow one4all marker, to give the wall some extra detail. All in all again this was a very fun project to do! On to the next one…




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