Rath ONE4ALL™ Session #1

Please read and see what Rath of 3A crew have to say about his first One4All Marker and Ink Tryout

I recently was given the opportunity to get some support from Molotow, since Its winter and I was also expecting a new Edition to the house i figured id be spending the next little while more inside then outside. I asked, Im sure to the bewilderment of all involved for some One4All Molotow ink instead of paint. What writer would rather have some markers and ink over paint? I can answer that by posing you another question who has two thumbs loves to drawn and runs this site? Thats right This Guy, Hev.

No Im not accustomed to being offered products, so like a true rookie, i kinda picked a random set of colors that when i got them i realized they didn’t all make for a banging color scheme together; good good colors just not all in the same family or value. I was more taken by each color instead of thinking how they would work together. Well experience be dammed, i got what i got and am now scheming on getting the full line of the larger refills.

The first things I did with the ink was to play around with how it took to various surfaces, paper, plastic, metal, paint, cardboard; CHECK. Next up. They are Refills, dump ink out and use a brush; the smaller refills come with a little spouty deal so you can refill markers and or draw with various degrees of controlled drips. So with out much for thought minus a quick pencil sketch i then ignored i just started to draw with brush and black One4All ink on some record boxes i have. I always really dug the photos ive seen of old Jamaican mobile record shop trucks all hand painted and looking fresh, so i kinda moved in that direction with the boxes. The ink handled the brush real well, having a real good viscosity. The next best part of the brush experience was the ease at which with some soap and water, really just water, the brush was cleaned and ready for another color.

Using these Markers is almost like using gouache put into a marker for ease of use, the ink itself is super milky, and drips nice and opaque and matte. Covered All my under-drawing lines, which in some cases was Black Pen.  Im stoked you can get empty markers, refills of standardized colors and replacement nibs; I’m pretty sure Im converted and my Oil based paint pens are not going to get much out of their box time anytime soon.

For some reason i decided i need to draw Johnny Chimpo, but didn’t have the right colors but was bale to mix some of the brown oranges and whites to vary the chimpo tones. Because i was jsut farting around i ddint mix enough of the browns so i had to water them down a bit to cover the area i had, instead of mixing more. Laziness combined with fear of finishing things i might need more of later can be debilitating; trying to get over it and use.

The best part about the matte and acrylic base of this ink is unlike oil based paint markers, it doesnt have its pigment loosen and get goopy in the heat. I have a tone of old black books whos pages are fused together after the sun loosed the oils based paint only to render it a solid mass once cooled; Some pages ive had to resort to putting wax paper in between the pages and even then the ink oil based marker paint transfers itself to the wax.

So Ive concluded i need at there very least All the Primaries Molotow makes in the One4All line and then as many variants in between. Once the weather changes ill be getting paint so im starting an Ink fund now, as there will certainly be some  use of ink in future walls.

You can check out the full line of Molotow markers and inks here, of course they made this after i ordered my markers, but looks like there are better options than i first knew about. One of the coolest features is the nib system which looks like you can slap a Fine nib even on the medium sized markers.





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