RATH & Friends in NJ

More of RATH´s latest joiner with Snek (NZ), Naps and Brus (Italy), Aplus and Wane in NYC after the jump!

“We PAtR-ed* it and assembled the crew in NJ for a lil sweat it out in the hot up sun. I copped some gatorade, for the first time in 25 Plus years, shits got electrolites, so i figured it might could help out cool the hot up sun. Early to work in the graff game, never really equals early to back home as some of us tend to paint for as long as weve got as opposed to how long it should take. So i got to wall and was able to get right to work with out the prerequisite morning poli till its noon, then hustle as the dark is coming soon. The weather called for a mild overcast day, PERFECT! What we got was some sunny humid 85 degree to soon for summer hot up son, break balls, hearts and popping spray cans. It was not my brand but someones can did a lil explosion after a few hours in the hot up sun… happens to the best of em, not mine but the best of yours, haha. Molotow FTW.

Yet again a good line up was achieved and a good time was had indeed. Snek (NZ), Naps and Brus (italy), Aplus, wane and myself. At one point it seemed like Brus and Naps were ready to give the NBA a real go. They were tearing up the court next to the wall. They came to write and stayed to Ball!” (RATH/UPS)




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