“In the 14th century the monks ornamented and illustrated the manuscripts of letters. In the 21st and 22nd century the letters of the alphabet through competition are now armamented for letter racing and galactic battles.” (Rammellzee)
Created over the course of 14 years, Rammellzee´s “The Letter Racers” sculptures are on view in NYC for the first time. They represent the artist’s manifestos “Iconoclast Panzerism” and “Gothic Futurism,” two works written in Rammellzee’s idiosyncratic language. The written and visual works explore the slavery and corruption of language and its liberation through the artist’s own work. The complex theory behind “The Letter Racers” has to do with the freedom of language from its historical fetters. Martha Cooper took photos of the fabulous installation, representing a letter of the alphabet mounted on a skateboard, opened at The Suzanne Geiss Company gallery on 76 Grand Street in New York.