Michael Genter Exhibition x WIR

Matthias Steck presents the artwork series WIR by Michael Genter exclusively on the 04. and 05.12.15 at Leo-Wohleb-Strasse 8 I 1st Floor in 79098 Freiburg (Germany). The exhibition WIR is the first common project of the artist Michael Genter and the promoter Matthias Steck. In the context of a solo exhibition, the two Freiburg natives show drawings, mural paintings, sculptures and installations by Michael Genter. Read more after the jump!

The artist and graphic designer Michael Genter discusses within the framework of WIR the medium of paper in different types and styles. Whether as a base for his drawings, or as a finishing for his sculptures or as a construction material for his installations – the medium of paper is omnipresent at all times. This omniscience for a conscious reason, Michael Genter wants to illustrate the special by the use of ordinariness within the scope of WIR.

Michael Genter continues his mode of working on another thematic level in the choice of his motives. In his works he searches the hidden in daily experiences, which he applies on his urban surroundings in a very dynamic way.

His way of working is fittingly described with the words of the painter Per Kirkeby, who defines an intense connection between seeing and drawing. He says that you can spend a whole lifetime within your environment and not see anything of importance, until your pen forces you to a discovery.

In his serial WIR Michael Genter realizes a monument of contemporary icons. He captures the people of his environment and combines them in his works with individual experiences. In this way he is able to connect and complete inner and outer impulses in his compositions. The resulting drawings, sculptures and installations show predominantly show the inconspicuous and capture the magic of the moment for the viewer. Fascinating and deeply touching impressions are the result.

For more information:

www.michaelgenter.com I www.matthiassteck.com
www.facebook.com/gentermichael I www.facebook.com/steckmatthias




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