Here is a new photo report by the NASTY SONS from Holland and a wall painted with ASPIR from Mexico, read the story and check the photos after the jump!
Mega x Aspir x Romeo (Mexico meets Holland)
We recently had a visit from the writer Aspir from Mexico, who we met earlier at the Roskilde Festival.The plan was to paint two days. One day a wall in a quiet neighbourhood and the next day another wall in a tunnel…We started early and roller painted the wall and started to sketch our pieces on the wall.Suddenly there came heavy rain showers and started to wash away the background.So we quickly switched to plan B: first paint the wall in the tunnel and next day finish this wall…For the tunnel we could not use the color scheme we had in mind so we went home to get some lighter colors.The next day we finished the other wall. We filled the pieces with dark colors, and did outlines with Vermillion and Signal red. Both walls turned out nice and both color combinations worked very well…Another weekend well spent.Enjoy the pictures!