KING KOOL CITY BERLIN Book pre-announced

In the book KING KOOL CITY BERLIN the authors portray a part of Berlin’s Hiphop scene: 30 sprayers, MC´s, DJs, beatboxers, skaters and B-Boys. From 1UP, AMOK, FINO, POET, AKTEone, El Bocho and Falkland via Kool Savas, B-Tight, Frauenarzt, Manny Marc, DVO, Checan and MC Bomber up to the Flying Steps, Bee Low, Soulrock, MC Fitti, DJ Marc Hype and ILOVEGRAFFITI.DE. For this part we gave an interview to Sarah Paulus and Rolf G. Wackenberg about our website and our experience about Graffiti in the internet in general. They also visited MOLOTOW to discuss some interesting points at our Headquarters!

“KING KOOL CITY BERLIN provides rare and very personal insight into the artists’ universe illustrated with exclusive photographs taken by Rolf G. Wackenberg. Thereby, the reader is made familiar with life cycles between passion and vocation, between international success and despair. As such, the book is supposed to be an homage to the people portrayed and a declaration of love to the most fascinating city: Berlin.”

The book will be published in September 2016. There are some shirts are available right here at Stylefile and after the jump checkout the book cover and above you can watch a videoteaser featuring berlin graffiti legend AMOK, DOMI und AKTEone supporting the upcoming book release of KING KOOL CITY BERLIN by Sarah Paulus and Rolf G. Wackenberg.

Bildschirmfoto 2016-07-25 um 13.11.12




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