Kast – AFX Benelux Freestyle Tour

Hungarian graffiti artist Kast of the AFX Crew travelled the BENELUX area a bit, a little report about walls done at the tour after the jump!

Kast – AFX late Summer Benelux Freestyle Tour

I travelled more than 4000 kilometers in two weeks. Had 60 cans with me and a few buckets of paint. Forgot all my sketches back home and didn’t felt like sketching while traveling cause i had lot more interesting things to do, so I freestyled all my pieces.


Met up with Nask, Riots and Stick here and started to paint in the best weather so I really went slow on this one , enjoying the sunshine, having a good time with the guys. So I did my filling only the first day assuming that I can spend another nice day in Luxembourg putting up my finishing touches. As we got to the spot it started raining a bit and after 30 minutes the whole thing turned into the heaviest storm of my summer with lots of rain and lightnings. I had like 15 minutes every hour when it was still raining but it was possible to paint. The cans were working properly even though the wall was all wet


Did a wall with Eyes-B and Hoer in an abandoned factory in Anderlecht. Awesome huge building! My schedule was very tight here. I had only 5-6 hours to do my thing, so I went for a more simple colour combo. Everything went smooth here, we busted out a really good wall.

Rotterdam (with Bez)

This is one of Rotterdams “Graffiti walls’. Especially made for writers for putting pieces on them! Met up with oldschool writer Bez here, we had a nice chat and decided what colours we would go for. I also took a norvegian friend of mine with me. He studies grafik design in Rotterdam at the moment. We convinced him to do a character in the middle. That is his very first painting on a wall ever (we helped him with the outline and the shadings of course)!

Rotterdam (with Mr.It’sme)

This one is in Rotterdam in Prinsenpark. A cool legal spot in the a middle of a green park. The wall is around 30 meters long. I arrived alone here and decided to go for the whole thing! Just while I was sketching up Mr.It’sme showed up. So of course he got up beside me 🙂 Was a really lucky day with lots of sunshine!

Texel Island

At the end of my trip I travelled to Texel island. I just wanted to chill there for a few days but the second day i bumped into a skatepark! 🙂 As I had still to days there it was obvious that I would spend them with painting. Unfortunately first day it was raining almost constantly. The paint was covering well that wasn’t a problem. But my latex bucket paint -which I did the background with- didn’t have time to dry so it was dripping all over my piece for the whole day. That was kinda annoying and had to fix the whole piece on the second day. Despite this It was really cool to paint there.

Kast did a few more pieces on his tour, check out his Flickr!




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