JonOne x RENAISSANCE x Kolly Gallery

In the upcoming exhibition Kolly Gallery presents the famous American graffiti artist JonOne. The solo exhibition takes place from 10 March to 9 April 2016 at the Kolly Gallery in Zurich. The exhibition is predominantly related to JonOne’s energetic, cryptic and polychrome canvases. The artist JonOne, as its name says: “John The One”, reinvented the graffiti and street art. This opened him the doors to global success. JonOne’s work is defined by its exploding energy and versatile color. He himself describes his art form as “abstract expressionist graffiti”. His abstract and dynamic images reminiscent of digital codes, which need to be deciphered. It is important to give the artworks some time to get tamed, until its code decrypts itself and the viewer no longer can resist energetic beauty.

JonOne (John Andrew Perello) is born in 1963 in New York (USA) and lives and works in Paris (France). At the age of 17 he started to spray with his childhood friend White Man. Jonone began to spray first on the New York subway trains. He quickly emerged his abstract and cryptic style. With his exceptional style including movement and color made him stand out from usual figurative graffiti sprayers. In 1990 JonOne had his first solo exhibition entitled “Graffistism” in the Galerie Gleditsch 45 in Berlin (Germany). Since then his works were exposed in solo and group exhibitions in Tokyo, Monaco, Paris, Geneva, New York, Hong Kong, Brussels and Moscow.

JONONE Renaissance / Solo Show / March 10 – April 9 2016 / Kolly Gallery Seefeldstrasse 56 8008 Zurich
Opening on March 10 from 6pm on / Facebook Event




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