Introducing Graffiti Artist NASH

We’re happy to welcome another great dutch artist to the MOLOTOW&FRIENDS Family. Introducing NASH, who is a character driven graffiti artist and famous for his cartoon style figures, with great shadings and bright color highlights. NASH started graffiti in the early 80s as part of the Hip Hop movement. That´s why the "B-Boy style" is always in his mad arrogant looking figures and characters.
"Growing up, my two biggest passions were dancing and drawing. In the beginning of the 80’s I started B-Boying. I danced for many years in many places, where I met a lot of great people.  We had some magic moments,which still are some of the fondest memories I have. I’ve been drawing, for as long as I can remember. When the HipHop culture came into my life, it changed everything. Growing up in a small town called Sittard, there weren’t many possibilities for me to express myself on a creative level.  So when I came in contact with graffiti, it provided a creative outlet for me.  I was known for my B-Boying in my city. When I started graffiti, I gained local recognition fast because I was the first one in my area who started it."

NASH co-founded the LOVELETTERS Crew with DARE and others in 2006 and was member of the formation until 2016. From now on we will feature his work regulary here and there, so keep ann eye out our online magazine and Social Medias (Facebook, Instagram). You can find more of NASH´s work on his website and instagram.




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