Herb Martinez – Pinstriping Workshop

MOLOTOW™ is proud to announce this outstanding workshop, held by the best known pinstriper in the world Herb Martinez aka; The Line Doctor, in the sacred halls of the MOLOTOW™ HQ in Lahr, Germany, from July 13-14.

Herb is the author of “Guide to Pinstriping” published by KP Books and the general editor of “Pinstripe Planet 1-3“, published by Korero Books of London. He offers a one day workshop covering all the basics of pinstriping – the subjects covered are history, brushes, paints, related solvents and cleaners, straight lines, curved lines, corners, and designs. This workshop is a must for every air brusher and/or custom painter involved in vehicular decorative arts on bikes and cars. The cost is 250.00 € per day and includes a Mack Series 10 #00 striping brush, ¼ pint (118 mililiters) of 1 Shot striping paint, reducer in a 4 ounce squirt bottle, and a certificate of completion of the basic workshop. Other brushes, brush oil, books and accessories will be available for sale on location.

You must pre-register for the workshop. A 50.00 € cash deposit, payable in advance to Herb Martinez Pinstriping, is required to hold your space in the workshop. The balance of the tuition will be collected by the instructor at the beginning of the workshop. Receipts will be available by request. Make sure to pre-register early since we expect considerable demand for this exceptional course – only the early bird catches the worm!

Check out the dates of his national and international workshops here: schedule
Download the application forms and information here: info

Herb Martinez Workshop
2642 Fifth Street
Livermore, CA 94550-3206
Ph/Fax- 925-373-1191 or 800-342-1930

Contact Germany: Indra Schlimmer
E-Mail: ischlimmer@gmx.de




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