Graff Wars – Book Introduction

It´s Graff Wars time! From now onhere you can check regular updates about the upcoming book “Graff Wars” by BA Byvold and Martin Berdahl Aamundsen. Molotow supports the book and the work of Kacao77 since day one and today we go together for a first introduction. What it is Graff Wars about, see the book video trailer and check the first very nice update from Oslo, Norway, jump´n enjoy a great wall by Pay2, Kacao77 and Goal!

Graff Wars 2010
When the movie Star Wars: A New Hope, premiered in 1977, it became the foundation of what may be the biggest pop cultural phenomenon of our time. As the movie reached the theaters, a subculture, originating from The Bronx, NY started its climb to a world wide expansion rarely seen before. The art form, the music and the dance emerging from this subculture, drew their inspiration from the surrounding community and from books, cartoons, advertising and movies. Shortly after the release of the third movie, Star Wars: Return of the Jedi – Beat Street premiered in Europe, and the subculture Hip Hop became a phenomenon for young people all over the Western world. By the late 1970s and the early 1980s, the Star Wars’ universe was a major source of inspiration for graffiti artists, and Darth Vader and Storm Troopers were frequently painted on the subway trains in New York City. During the following years, Star Wars as a concept surpassed the movies and the Hip Hop culture spread throughout Asia and Africa and became one of the largest subcultures the world has ever seen. New graffiti performers and new Star Wars fans came forward, and at the launch of Star Wars: The Phantom Menace in 1999 rap was the biggest selling music genre in the US. Hardly any other pop cultural phenomenon has had a greater impact on youths these last decades than the Star Wars’ universe has had. 18. September 2010, Kontur Publishing will issue Graff Wars, a book documenting the great influence the legacy of Star Wars has had on graffiti and many of their performers. What started out as an exclusive article about graffiti inspired by the Star Wars movies in the Norwegian graffiti magazine Fat Cap’s 20th anniversary issue, has now become the book project Graff Wars. It will bring together graffiti inspired by Star Wars from all over the world. Reports about the book have got an immense response on the Internet, and foreign distributers have shown great interest already. From now until the launch there will be info about the book here! The first update is the report from Oslo, where Kacao77, Pay2 and Gole came together for a huge production! Watch out for more coming up soon!

Book info:
Original title: Graff Wars
Editors: BA Byvold and Martin Berdahl Aamundsen
Pages: 224
Format: 28 x 28 cm
Printed hardcover>, Full Color

And here we go with the first wall production “GRAFF WARS – THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL” by Pay2, Kacao77 and Goal as a little preview of what to expect from that great book, coming to book stores near you in September 2010!




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