Everything started off with the whimsical idea for a diploma thesis in 2007: Graffiti Artist BOOGIE wanted to bring the Ore Mountains, an area in Eastern Germany with beautiful scenery and unique culture & tradition, back to everybody’s focus by recreating something very traditional in a contemporary way. Along this way the idea of BOYS FROM THE WOOD was born – a continuously growing series of hand painted incense smokers and nutcrackers with lots of love for detail. It was time to create a bond between the traditional craftsmanship and the modern trends. In addition to that we wanted to take this opportunity to introduce the world famous wooden figures from the Ore Mountains to a broader audience. In 2014 BOYS FROM THE WOOD were presented to the public for the first time during an art show in the center of Chemnitz / Germany. With the show having been a mayor success the Boys will be back this year and they are up for no good. During the first weekend of the advent season in 2015 the second show „The Boys are back in town“ will take place with lots of specials and surprises. Checkout a videotrailer after the jump and a lot more on this project and it´s further process here at the official website!
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