Graffiti artist AMIT 2.0 continues his NAMEDROPPING project with another nice exchange work, where he takes the challenge to spray the paint partner´s name and the other way around.
This time with Graffiti artist SWEET UNO. Here is the photo report and interview!
As part of the urban art festival “famOS” in Osnabrück, Amit2.0 met SweetUno for another wall as part of his namedropping project. After the first painting of a bunker from World War II, the two sat together for a short conversation:
How long have you been painting?
I’ve been painting graffiti since 1989, and I got there through friends who brought one of the first 14K, a graffiti magazine from Zurich, with them.
What thoughts do you have when you look at the building we painted?
First of all the architecture, which comes across as very clumsy and brutal. On the other hand, the history that is in it and that is reflected in the weathering and the construction. And then the anticipation of going on with color.
What does style writing mean to you?
Very important. After all, I’ve been dealing with it for 32 years and the field is inexhaustible.
What do you think of the name dropping project?
I find it a fine and exciting thing. Firstly, it connects graffiti artists and secondly, it’s exciting to see how someone interprets your name.
How did you prepare for today?
I got a couple of “amit” styles in my head and then painted the one that suits me for the spot.
Did the “new” combination of letters go well with you?
Yes, in any case. The sequence of the letters is pretty nice and the spot is so great that you didn’t have to paint a lot. And we had a good time to get to know each other personally.
What do you think when you see the finished wall and your name “by someone else’s hand”?
That I would be up for semi-wildstyle again!