Molotow Premium Amit Birne

AMIT’s Namedropping project with BIRNE/JBCB

Graffiti artist AMIT 2.0 continues his NAMEDROPPING project with another nice exchange work. This time with Graffiti artist BIRNE, back to Hamburg! Here is the photo report and interview after an arduous action.

Since when have you known Amit´s pieces?

I have known them for many years,   but I only got to know Amit personally when he invited me to the Bürgerpark Gallery in July 2020.

What meaning does stylewriting have for you?

Stylewriting caught my interest in 1992 and since then it has never got out of my head. It has never become boring. Designing and painting different styles and new combinations of letters is still fun and I seem to learn something new every time. It is an ever evolving process. Stylewriting is also always an evaluation of yourself and your abilities and it is an egosport focussing on yourself.

What do you think of the namedropping project?

I find this project really amazing. This project unites artists and egos and that is what graffiti is all about: an exchange of ideas. Spraying or painting someone elses`s name seems obvious, nevertheless it is not often done. And it is a great experience seeing your own name written in someone else´s style. It also breaks up the routine of always writing your own or your group´s name, that alone is a good thing.

How did you prepare for today?

I put together fine colours and good material. I don´t need any more. Everything else happens on the wall.

Was it easy to write the new combination of letters?

Writing the combination of letters was dead easy.

How did you feel when you were writing?

I felt great, we had a super atmosphere. Everything was easy and not complicated at all. We also talked about flow. During this action I was really relaxed and I could just spray the piece not thinking about anything in particular.

What were your thoughts while you were painting your piece?

… just apples instead of pears for a change. I generally like fruit as characters. I always enjoy seeing fruit in advertising  or on packaging. I don´t really like the first apple character , the crazy one with the eighties sun glasses and goofy teeth as much as the second one that is half covered up in the picture (on the right). That one appears somehow smarter and lighter to me ☺ I often prefer the simple characters to the one´s that I put a lot of effort in.

What do you think when you see the complete wall and your name written by someone else?

Super, I am very happy to see Amit´s  Birne piece. I would love  seeing more Birne pieces done by other good writers. It would be great if these writers refered to me and my stylewriting.

Anything to ad?

No, I don’t think so. I am quite happy with the general situation in my microcosm.

Thanks! Check out the photos of the exchange and few additional works below!


AMIT 2.0




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