AMIT continues the NAMEDROPPING project with graffiti artist WEIPS

Graffiti artist AMIT 2.0 continues his NAMEDROPPING project with another nice style exchange. This time with Graffiti artist WEIPS. After the Interview with TIER and ROOKIE from the previous round here is another one to discuss the exchange a bit more in depth: 

We are again at an interesting property in Osnabrück. Amit, what’s this all about?
Amit: The property is next to our current place and unfortunately, it will soon be teared down. I always try to save interesting spaces and this was the reason, why I made a design agreement with the building owner. Normally, big and classic spaces like this are hard to find for big-scale productions. However, I absolutely wanted to start something like this with Weips – in doing so, we had some climbing action today ???? 

Why did you chose Weips for this project?
Amit: I am absolutely happy, that we met each other today at this spot. We are looking back to a common history for more than 20 years. During my wild times, I often went to Hannover. At this time my “Punx not Dead” painted many trains, and in addition: we had several actions with our crew that was close to us, the makers and the UDR gang.

What do you think about the Namedropping project?
Weips: It’s a wicked thing! I always find it interesting how other artists are painting the own name in a new way in order to see, what’s possible with typography in respect of the name. It’s like a small challenge, because every artist spends most of the time for writing the own name. This is exactly the point that shows, that graffiti is an ego hobby. This is the reason why I think this is a great project – getting out of the normal style range is fun!

Since when do you know the artworks of Amit2.0?
Weips: I know his artworks since day 1 as we are friends for more than 20 years. As a result, I was able to watch the development of Amit2.0, the artists from Hamburg like he’s called in Osnabrück.

How did you prepare for today?
Weips: To be honest: I did not prepare for today. I just realized yesterday evening, that I am working in the Namedropping project. This is why I quickly grabbed a pen and a piece of paper, in order to get a clear idea about the name in my mind. This was my main “building stone” the rest was improvised. 

Amit: Today’s main challenge is about saving that much time for painting. Luckily, the spot was next to our house, otherwise I had to realize the artwork in 30 minutes. However, when thinking about it…in former times we did not spend more times for painting trains. 

The new combination of letters was easy for you?
Weips: TOTALLY!!!!! It’s a wicked letter combination and I really like the name Amit2.0. So if you (speaks to Amit) ever want to get rid of the name: I’ll take it!

Amit: Deal. However, I often planned to finish my writer career and I always ended up to restart again. I also always had a nice go on the letters. I am completely satisfied about “the spirit” of the letter “E”. My thoughts went this way: as the “E” is sitting on some kind of a rolling door it has to be some kind of dirty.

How was the painting itself?
Weips: I had a lot of fun. I’ve seen my old buddy Amit2.0 after such a long time. There were also other nice dudes and the weather was top! It made my day. The spot was a little bit tricky, because on the top of the gable there was just a small projection on which I had to stand. However, I welcomed this small challenge.  

What do you think, when seeing the result of the own name formed by another artist?
Weips: I think: Holy shit, I can write my name like this?!? 🙂 I am happy that the result is that awesome and maybe I will get inspired in some points of the artwork. At the end of the day, it is just cool that we made a nice wall with a lot of fun. 

Amit: Word! I think, it was an excellent shot from Weips painting my name on the rooftop. The piece is stable and I would have been surprised if he had done the piece without using 3D blocks. What a nice day!

Thanks! Check out the photos of the exchange and few additional pieces by WEIPS below!


AMIT 2.0




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